Have you ever attempted to run but find that after five minutes you’re done? Or, have you ever wondered why you can’t do a chin-up to save yourself but can pump out chest presses like there’s no tomorrow?
We’re all different. From our frame size, heart size, distribution of muscle fibre (slo...
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How much exercise is too much?
If you think you’ve been overdoing it at the gym, let me teach you how to listen to your body. Now more than ever people are keen to get back into the gym and are eager to shift the weight that was gained during Christmas feasts.
There’s no doubt that regular ...
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Have you thought about how you could vary your resistance without dumbbells or weight plates?
Look no further than resistance bands! We love them and here’s why….
They still overload the muscle without needing gravity to provide resistance like a dumbell. Bands offer resistance. A...
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